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Micah Touchet

Critical error…

After the latest update, our website backend now throws a “Critical error” that disallows backend access. Can only access after logging into cpanel and changing the name of the plugin folder for “admin-columns-pro”

Error in log:

[19-Aug-2020 20:21:12 UTC] PHP Warning:  require_once(/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes/Dependencies.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/codepress-admin-columns.php on line 15

[19-Aug-2020 20:21:12 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes/Dependencies.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/codepress-admin-columns.php on line 15
4 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m sorry to hear that you experiencing issue when you update our plugin. The error says that the file Dependencies.php in the folder admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes.
Can you check if that is indeed the case (check file name casing)?
I double-checked our release package and that file should definitely be there.

4 years, 3 months ago

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