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Kian Yuan

Could not be found after Inline Editing

Hi, is it possible to find a order or product after the Inline Editing? I try many times but it doesn’t work. I also made a video of this problem. please check it:

[video src="" /]

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi, it really depends on which column type you’re using for the Name. It’s good to know that for an order there are different ways to retrieve the name.

– Order billing address name. This information is specific for an order
– Customer name. This is the actual user information that is related to an order with the custom field.

I’m not fully sure how the search field in the order overview works, but by default, it does not search in all fields for order or user. Based on your video, I think that you’ve added the customer column and edit a customer name field instead of editing the billing name

Instead of the default WordPress/WooCommerce search field, I advise you to use our Smart Filtering feature that really searches on the column values on the overview instead of depending on the way that WordPress or WooCommerce searched the data.

4 years, 5 months ago
Kian Yuan

What I changed was the Order billing address name, as you see if I edit the name in the order, it could be found without any problems. It could not be found only if I edit the name with the Inline Editing.

I am an Admin Columns Pro user and I really want to get this problem resolved, before I pay for the next year. Thanks a lot!

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you send me a screenshot of your column settings to Admin Columns?
I do suspect that you’re not editing the billing address with inline edit as you might suspect.
Especially if the new value if presented correctly after refreshing the page, it seems that it is storing the information, but apparently not in the billing field.

4 years, 5 months ago
Kian Yuan

Sure, here is the screenshot of the field “name”:

Thanks in Advance.

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I was able to reproduce the behavior. It seems that WooCommerce uses the custom field ‘_shipping_address_index’ to search in when using the default search field in WordPress. Is does not search in the actual first name field (or other custom fields).

Most likely is that the index field is updated when you update an order through the edit screen. Our inline edit feature in combination with the Custom Field column only performs an update_meta call. You could try to use the following hook to perform an extra wp_update_post call.

You can have a look at the example on that page where the post is saved after an inline edit action. You might want to make the call more specific an only perform the action on the Order overview page when a custom field is saved. The conditional might be something like this:

if( $column->get_list_screen() instanceof ACA\WC\ListScreen\ShopOrder && $column instanceof AC\Column\CustomField ){

4 years, 5 months ago

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