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Copy a view to another post type

Is there a way to copy or sync a view to other post types?

I am looking to have the same exact view over several post types hopefully without having to setup one by one.

3 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Shae,

Unfortunately, we don’t have a simple feature for that.
Please notice that every post type can have its own unique columns, so just copying a column set might result in missing columns (if the copied post does not support that column type).

It is possible to do with a workaround.

1) You can make an export of your column set (under tools), and alter the exported JSON file. You can change the value for type to match the post type key. You also need to change the ID to something random.

2) Or you could clone the current column set by clicking ‘create new set’ and alter the record in the database. We have a custom table {prefix}_admin_columns where you can change the value for ‘list_key’ to the post type name. Also for this option you’ll need to change the ID to something unique.

3 years, 11 months ago

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