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Conditionally 'refresh' a row upon update

I am using this filter: acp/editing/saved to:

… update the value of a field called “RP”, when the value in “AD” is valid.
And this works… except… the value in “RP” doesn’t show up until I refresh the page.
Is there a way to refresh a row (with AJAX) to get current data?
Can I call something from acp/editing/saved for a specific post id perhaps?

7 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Keith,

We don’t have anything to do this easily (yet), but our Ajax response for the inline edit save call is prepared to do this yourself. If you look at the AJAX response data, it contains a ‘raw_html’ value that contains the rendered row for the table.

You could use the jQuery ajaxComplete function ( ) to catch the request and update the table row. Of course you’ll have to check for the correct request because the ajaxComplete event works for all Ajax request, and WordPress uses a few :)

I hope this will help you to find a solution for your problem.

7 years, 4 months ago

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