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Lyne Berro

Column to add comments

Correct me if i am wrong but there is no column that will let me add a column in WOO to let our staff add comments right? we need to let our staff comment periodically on why an order is delayed

Presently we use an ACF text area and ask our staff to write manually their commend without overwritting the existing one, always append.

It would be amazing to have a commenting feature where the staff would simply type their message and it would show up historically in the column with their name and posted date

Not possible?

3 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I believe that the Order note column is the column that you’re looking for.
Order notes are the way to keep track of notes/comments to order.
Unfortunately, our plugin does not offer a way to add new order notes to the order though right from the overview page. But you can ask your staff members to add the notes on the order page itself and use the column to see all the notes.

3 years, 3 months ago
Lyne Berro

Yes that would be the solution, any plan to let us comment from the column directly in the future? this would be killer

3 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

No plans for that right away although I have thought about that some time ago.
When you select the ‘Last note’ for display, you have the option to edit the last note.
An add action is in my opinion not really the same as edit so I think it should not be part of our editing feature. On the other hand, we don’t have columns that perform a specific action at the moment. You could consider writing your own column or extend the existing column and write your own ‘add note’ feature.

3 years, 3 months ago

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