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Column sorting not working with Relevanssi search

I think I found some sort of incompatibility between Admin Columns and the Relevanssi plugin.

I’m using Admin Columns Pro with the Toolset addon, and I also installed Relevanssi so I can search in custom fields.
I’ve disabled all the plugins except Admin Columns Pro, Admin Columns Toolset addon, Toolset Types and Relevanssi. I’m using the standard version of Relevanssi.
This is the problem: if I search something and then click on a column’s name to sort the results, the order of the posts don’t change.
The sorting works if I try to order by “Post date”, which is a WordPress standard column, so I think it’s a problem related just to custom columns created with Admin Columns.

Of course I can contact the Relevanssi developers as well. I don’t expect you to solve the problem considering there are two plugins involved.

Thanks in advance!

5 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Stefano,

Thanks for your message.
Based on the description from Relevanssi, they use their own sorting logic when searching for posts
‘Search results sorted in the order of relevance, not by date.’

I expect that they make an exception for the date column, but they skip all other order logic. Since they (probably) deliberately change the sorting order, they overwrite our logic, which seems like a valid choice from their perspective.

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about that since that is one of the core features of their plugin. I could imagine that they build in something that their order logic is not executed when there is an ‘orderby’ param in the URL. You could ask them to have some kind of option for that if they do not already have that.

5 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

I’ll ask them for a “solution” and see what they say.

If anything interesting comes out I could share it here, if it’s not a problem since the ticket is closed.

5 years, 7 months ago

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