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Column Sorting ACF Number fields, rows with value of zero disappear

We have a ACF column that is a number field and is a associated with each user.
All works fine except on the users page when the number column header is clicked to sort the column, any column that has a value of 0 disappears instead of being sorted.
Not sure if I missed something? Thanks for help and great plugin.

9 years, 8 months ago

Hi Max,

Are you sure that the ACF number fields actually have a value set, and that they’re not empty and only displaying a “0” because it’s a number field? When a field doesn’t have any value set, that could cause it to disappear when sorting.


9 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for your help Jesper.
The column is a number and if I set the default value for the field to 0 then it new columns disappear when sorting but if I set the default values to 1 then they sort fine. Is there a way I could use a default value of 0 and still be able to use the column sorting?
Thanks again.

9 years, 8 months ago

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