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Column edit Cog Icon Missing? Was this removed?

Cog Icon Missing

I can still find my way going direct, but having that icon inline was super helpful usability wise, not sure how to get that back. Thank you…

1 year, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

If you have the right to manage the columns, then the cog button is probably hidden in the settings menu.
Can you check if you can access the settings page for Admin Columns through the left menu? (Settings > Admin Columns). On the settings tab, you’ll find a setting called ‘Show “Edit Columns” button on the table screen”.

I expect that this toggle button is disabled on your installation.

1 year, 2 months ago

Oddy, We have this set to show and it’s still not showing for unknown reasons, hmmm it’s not effecting functionally, as we can get the the settings needed in the main setup > options-general.php?page=codepress-admin-columns, it’s just a usability issue on the tables display page.

Let me know your thoughts and all the best…

1 year, 2 months ago

Seems to always something huh Stefan, some update somewhere must be the cause here, will have to setup a new site and see if the same happens there, didn’t really see it until now. It’s this way on all the sites we use this on, which are all updated or not used anymore at all, so that is odd, no site is the same either and the one we are showing you has no customized admin theme at all, so not sure why the cog is not showing now. &

1 year, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Will it be possible for me to have a look at your test/staging environment? I have no idea why this happens on your website. Please contact me at

1 year, 2 months ago

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