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Color picker


On your documentation you talk about a ColorPicker with edition :

And a sync with the plugin ACF (that implement a ColorPicker when we choose a color).

In fact your plugin is for now not supporting color editing but “text editing of the web color code”. When using with ACF on the post (or page) user can choose the color in a ColorPicker, but when editing the color on the list of post (with Admin Columns) then the user should enter a #XXXXXX web color code manually. Only web dev knows that, will be better to use a color picker, for better UX and better sync with ACF.


8 years, 1 month ago

Hello Guys,

Can you give me some tips about how to change this text editor to ColorPicker, your code is very clear but Look like there is lots of dependencies. I have problem making this code change.


8 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi David,

Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately the library we use for inline edit does currently not support a color picker. So for now it is not possible to easily make this work in your environment unless you write your own js addon for this library

This feature request is on our roadmap but we have to focus now on our upcoming major release. If you’re willing or able to write the colorpicker for xeditable, we’ll be happy to implement it in our code. Or you could just wait until we’re able to make a solution for this.

8 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi David,

We’ve created a WordPress colorpicker for Admin Columns Inline Edit feature.
It will be available for the custom field (color) column and all upcoming integration addons columns.
The change will be shipped with the upcoming 4.0 release.

8 years ago

that’s a very good news thanks!

8 years ago

Hello Stefan,

Did you have a pre-version I can already use? I try the beta version on your website but look like this is still not possible to do this color picker


8 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi David,

Sorry the current beta is from a few months ago. The current state of development is not good enough for a beta release so you have to wait a little bit longer. The 4.0 release is planned for Q1 2017.

8 years ago

Hello Stefan,

Just a question, will you have on the calendar picker some pre-defined color (5 to 10) where the user can directly click?

Like the most used color or pre defined in the config? cause user can’t remember all #webcolor code.

Thanks for your answer.

7 years, 11 months ago

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