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Amanda Barker

Changing the name of a custom column

A bit of a silly question as I can’t access my staging site at the moment – if I change the name of a custom field column, will it still keep any data entered in to that column?

For some reason a colleague has started using a column created for one purpose to just add general notes, so now I want to change the name of that column to ‘Notes’ and recreate the other column again for its intended purpose!

3 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Changing the name (or Label) for the column does not matter and will not change the data.
All the data in your database will be stored for the selected field chosen in the custom field column.
As long as you keep the field the same, nothing will change, only the label for your column on top of the table.

3 years, 8 months ago

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