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Carlo Falcini

change Select2 post order when inline edit

Hi, I’ve stumbled upon a little but tedious problem: preserve the actual posts order when update a field using inline edit.

I try to explain better:
I have a ACF relationship field, in which I put some posts and give them the order using simple drag’n’drop in Gutenberg;
the problem is: when I update that field using inline edit, order isn’t preserved because is overridden by Select2 order (which is alphabetical).

Any suggestion, please :) ?

2 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Unfortunately, no suggestion.
We do have this ticket on our backlog, but the way Select2 works and the way items are stored, we did not find a solution for this issue (yet). And I’m afraid there is no workaround for that at this moment.

2 years, 4 months ago
Carlo Falcini

Thank you for your reply. I’ve seen some related tickets on gitHub, in which suggests to remove the elements then reattach via jQuery, but I haven’t found a way to make it works in WP backend.
For the moment, I’ll do it another way (disable inline editing for that particular item, to avoid problems)

2 years, 4 months ago

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