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Helen Seddon

Category inline edit overlap issue for long categories / multi-level categories


We’re having an issue with the inline edit tool for product categories (although I would imagine this might affect other fields/areas where this specific inline edit tool is utilized).

As you can see on this screen recording, upon selecting a child category the name extends outside of the box & covers the tick/cancel buttons, resulting in editors on our site not being able to apply the changes:

This is within the Products list (WooCommerce) if that’s of any use, and the ACP plugin version is 6.2.2 / WP version 6.2.2 / WooCommerce version 7.7.2.


1 year, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Matt,

I’m not able to reproduce this issue with very long categories in the editor.
I suspect that another plugin or CSS causing the long text to overlap but that is hard to find out.
Are you able to debug this and see if some CSS is applied that causes the overlap?
Otherwise, I could have a look. When you have a staging/dev site, could I have a look?
Feel free to contact me on the support mail to continue the support there on

1 year, 6 months ago

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