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Can’t see fields associated to user group: all

I bought the Admin Columns business license today and I’m not seeing any of the User fields I created. I have fields which are assigned to every user role: and the whole custom field category doesn’t show up.

These are the only fields I’m seeing (all of them are assigned to pages): So there should be a field called “User fields”.

10 years, 1 month ago

Also, what I did notice is that there’s no option to inline edit user entries? For example, this is what shows up when I try adding columns for users: But this doesn’t show up on the user table? Please advise how to make these things work as this was the only reason why we were getting the Business license in the first place.

10 years, 1 month ago

Regarding the custom fields not displaying: are you using the custom field column or the Advanced Custom Fields columns?

Regarding inline editing of users: this is not possible yet, but we will implement it in the future. Inline editing is quite a complex feature, and we want to have it exactly right for posts before we move over to users.

10 years, 1 month ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Slobodan,

We have solved both issues with version 3.2.1, which will be out shortly. We have improved the handling of the ACF location rules. Now all the ACF fields will be listed in the column settings when you have set the ACF Custom Fields location to “User Role”, “User Form” or “Logged in User Type”. Same goes for all other location rules.

Also we added inline editing support for Users. With this release v3.2.1 you can edit all the user data, user custom fields and ACF Fields for users from the overview page with inline edit.

Thank you for your feedback, and have a great day!



10 years ago

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