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Anthony Peatfield

Cannot sort by SKU.. only displays 5 products

Hi there, I bought this purely to offer better order management but i’m struggling..

I want to order and view in a big list all orders with SKU “facemask” and that are Processed.

I have created the filter by adding the column for product and choosing SKU. Now when I choose filter by SKU it only displays 5 products and 28 pagesand 2750 products which is not correct!

I have about 50 orders and I just wanna see them in new to old in one big list so I can work backwards completing them.

In the filter I set it to display 100 and the screen options in wordpress is 99 items.

Please can someone explain where I am going wrong. I have screenshots but I cannot upload them here.

Many thanks, Anthony

4 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I already replied to your email. Let’s continue there and try to fix the issue. I suspect there is an issue with another plugin or custom code that also makes changes to the overview.

4 years, 4 months ago

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