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Cannot read property 'style' of null at HTMLTableElement (table.js:26

the subject pretty much sums it up. i’m receiving that error on the WooCommerce product page. i haven’t really had issues on the other pages, but I also haven’t done a ton of looking… it’s just that the product listing page takes a quick minute to load (kind of like a hiccup), then that’s the recurring error.

here’s the complete copy/paste from console:

(6) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (table.js:26)

(11) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (table.js:26)
(anonymous) @ table.js:26

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () admin-ajax.php:1 
5 years, 10 months ago

odd… but i literally just swapped out SKU for a Custom Field = “_sku” (for the extra features, namely sorting numerical/not alpha-num)

there was still a stall on the page load, but those errors didn’t display this time. hmmmmm.

5 years, 10 months ago
Tobias Schutter

The sorting for the SKU column is handled by WooCommerce, not by Admin Columns. We’ll have a better look at the SKU column. Maybe we can improve it a bit. But using the custom field column is a good solution to this. We made the custom field column really versatile in that it can handle both sortings of numeric and text values.

5 years, 10 months ago

I realize that, but I wouldn’t have had I not updated the default SKU column with a custom column. The error seemed pretty generic, which makes sense now… but wouldn’t have if I hadn’t swapped the two out.

…thus, this support ticket. Then, the follow up on the SKU… hopefully helping others with the same issue.

The fact that the default SKU column sorts alpha-numeric is a deal breaker on my end. My client has 96k items… so numerical is the only method that works for us.

5 years, 10 months ago

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