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John Blanchard

Cannot Get List of Primary Taxonomy Categories in Yoast


I’ve installed the Pro version of the plugin, and enabled Yoast Primary Taxonomy on my columns list. When I view the columns, I can see the Primary Taxonomy listed, as well as the Edit function, but when I click to change and begin typing a new category, no results are displayed. It will only show the current category and maybe one other from the drop down list.

We have 65 total categories to choose from, and would need our users to be able to quick edit these to another primary taxonomy category if possible.

2 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The primary taxonomy column only shows the primary column for a post. In order to set the primary term for a post, the post must already have terms. This means that when using inline edit for the primary taxonomy column, you already need to have terms (categories) set to your post since it will only show you a list of set terms for that post.

That said, it might indeed be useful to improve the editing for that column, allowing you set a primary term, even if the post does not have any related terms yet. In that case, it should add the selected term to the terms of the post (if not already set) and directly make it the primary column. I’ll add it as a feature request for the Yoast integration, but we need to investigate if it is inline with the way customers work with the Yoast Primary taxonomies.

2 years, 8 months ago

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