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Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Our plugin can only add the pro features like sorting, editing and filtering for default WordPress columns or columns created by us. Third-party column are not supported since we don’t know how the value of those columns is determined.

You could try to recreate the column by using our custom field column type. Most columns jus display a simple value that is stored as a custom field to the (custom) post type.

6 years ago

Thanks for the info. The features list suggest being able to sort by any column. Please let me know how to request a refund. The plugin looks great but doesn’t fit my needs for this project if it can sort any column.

6 years ago

Please let me know if you were able to process the refund. Thank you.

5 years, 12 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I just refunded the order.
I will close this topic.

5 years, 12 months ago

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