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Tania Schellenberg

Bulk editing variable product prices

Hi dear admincolums Team.

I have the newst version of everthign (Woocomerce, admincolumns…etc.)
Bulk changing price for variable products does not work with admincolums.

The Bulk editor says bulk editing was successfull but the price has not changed.

Is this indented like this, meaning bulk editing product prices for variable
products is not possible?


4 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Lars,

Thanks for your feedback.
I assume that you’re talking about the variable products and not the variation itself.
The price for variable products is managed on variation level. Inline Editing for the price of variable products is also not possible, so that’s why bulk editing also does not work for variable products. We don’t know that on forehand when selecting items, so that’s why it seems that it is possible when selecting items.

4 years, 4 months ago
Tania Schellenberg

Hi Stefan,
yes because you cant give the variable products a price (would not make sense) but you can give a price to each variation , I talked about the variation itself. I assume that “The price for variable products is managed on variation level.” you mean the same.

Is this featured planned somewhen in the future? 90% of our products are variable products and that is why it is a pitty that admin colums bulk edit cannot edit them. We need to export them via csv, change the price, and import them again for the moment.

Anyhow a great and usefull plug-in!

4 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Well actually, It is already available on product variation level.
But in order to do that, you must go to the new Product variation overview page by clicking on the eye icon for each variable product or by going to the page through the left menu (Product Variations). Inline and bulk editing for price should be possible, but you’ll have to enable it first on the settings menu.

4 years, 4 months ago
Tania Schellenberg

Ok, great. Thank you :))

4 years, 4 months ago

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