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Bulk Edit Doubled Code

Hi there,

we noticed an issue and here is the way you can reproduce it.

As soon as there is at least one column with enabled “Inline editing” option, and you check 2 or more items from the list table, and use “edit” from bulk edit WP native dropdown and click apply, ACP creates another HTML set of elements that contains exact same input elements rendered in opened bulk edit UI.

As the result of this, when we change for example “post status” we actually change the select box with name “_status” to some value ( ex: draft ), cloned HTML continues to contain same select box with name “_status”, but without changed value ( it stays -1, which mean unchanged ). And after saving changes with update button, actually -1 got submitted as the value of post status dropdown, and post status does not change. ( $_POST[“_status”] => -1 )

Screenshot to reproduce.

This issue appeared in v4.5.5: checked v4.5.4 and v4.5.3 works fine.
Please review and let us to know if you have questions.

Thanks in advance.

5 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We do have a fix for that for the upcoming release.
To be honest, I believe this is something that should be fixed in WooCommerce, but we fixed it on our side now.
I can send you the build so you could test if it indeed works as expected.
If you’re interested, please send me an email at

5 years, 8 months ago

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