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Jeff Strank

Bulk Edit – “Are you sure”


I was wondering if there was a way to omit the “are you sure” prompt when using bulk edit? At this point, I’ve bulk edited tons of items and that prompt only serves to slow me down, particularly since if I did make a bulk editing mistake, it would be very easy to correct immediately thereafter.

My general suggestion overall, fwiw, is that there are too many clicks involved in bulk editing. As above, the “are you sure” click just seems unnecessary to me and, for my use at least, having to choose between “done” and “done and deselect all” is also not unnecessary because the vast majority of the time I want to keep the rows selected and, when I no longer wish to, it’s easy enough to deselect the columns manually. Thus having to select “done” each time again just slows down the process.

What I’m trying to offer is the suggestion that bulk editing simply be accomplished by hitting “update” and that’s it. In the event a mistake is made it can be easily corrected and in the event the user wishes to deselect the selected rows, that can be easily accomplished after the fact.

Anyhow, just my .02 cents.

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback. And yes, we did think about that.
The hook that you can use to disable the confirmation message is as follows:
add_filter( 'acp/editing/bulk/show_confirmation', '__return_false' );

We believe a default of showing the confirmation to bulk edit (many) items at once is desired in most cases. No all values can be reverted with an undo feature. That’s why we choose to show the confirmation message by default but made a hook available to disable this behavior.

3 years ago
Jeff Strank

Thanks makes sense. Thanks!

3 years ago

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