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Brand New License Code Not Valid

Just purchased a license and I’m getting the following error:

Licence key not found. Make sure you have copied your licence key exactly as it appears in your receipt

This is my license number with the last 4 numbers hashed since this is a public forum: 2f278318-1ebd-446b-9725-06efdcf5****



6 years, 4 months ago
David Mosterd

Hi Alejandro,

Sorry for the late reply, are you still having trouble activating Admin Columns Pro? It can have various reasons, but usually, it boils down to some form of server configuration that is off or a small delay in the availability of our network.


6 years, 4 months ago


i also had the same issue when i was trying to install an addon (in my case acf) over the plugins settings page.

But it was working when i installed the addon via the wordpress plugin section.
Afterwards the addon appears activated correct in the plugins settings page.

best regards,

6 years, 4 months ago
David Mosterd

Thanks both for reporting this. We’ll go ahead and see if the add-on (upgrade) path is working properly.


6 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

It seems that the result for the check was cached for 15 minutes.
So if you renewed your license and try to download the addon again within 15 minutes, it gave you the same message, even when you license is correct. We changed this in our code for an upcoming release. A workaround, for now, is to wait 15 minutes or download the latest version from your account and do a manual install.

6 years, 3 months ago

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