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Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The only way to do this is by using the following filter to alter the value:

Based on your screenshot, something like the following snippet should work.

 * @param $value  string
 * @param $id     int
 * @param $column AC_Column
function ac_column_value_excluded_pages( $value, $id, $column ) {
	if ( $column instanceof ACP_Column_CustomField ) {
		$meta_key = $column->get_meta_key(); // This gets the Custom Field key

		if ( '_fl_theme_builder_exclusions' == $meta_key ) {
			$records = explode( ', ', $value );
			$results = array();

			foreach ( $records as $record ) {
				$parts = explode( ':', $record );

				// Define the parts of the URL as variables
				$meta_type = $parts[0];
				$post_type = $parts[1];
				$id = $parts[2];

				$result = $id;

				// If it is a (custom) post type, we can create a link with the title for it
				if ( 'post' === $meta_type ) {
					$result = ac_helper()->html->link( get_edit_post_link( $id ), get_the_title( $id ) );

				$results[] = $result;


			// Remove empty records
			$results = array_filter( $results );

			$value = implode( '<br>', $results );

	return $value;

add_filter( 'ac/column/value', 'ac_column_value_excluded_pages', 10, 3 );
6 years, 6 months ago

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