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Bad Links

I just purchased the one site license today. I’ve been using the free plugin now for about a year.

Overall, I am very happy with the upgrade. However, you really need to take some time to update this support site and your links. There are a lot of dead ends and missing images on this site, so it get’s confusing sometimes.

Also, for $84.00 yearly (I pay $99 to gravity for a full developers license, as many sites as I want)…you really ought to be allowing for ACF integration across the board on all three versions.

This is in fact, what caused me to post…because I was confused about the ACF integration due to the way your links are (not) working, so I hit a lot of dead-ends and I finally figured it out by going back to the original sales menu, as I could not get the answer from my account area.

In addition, there is no apparent way to log out from the account dashboard, nor the my account menu in the upper right corner…leaving users vulnerable to hacking…not good!

Will Wilson or

10 years, 9 months ago

Hi William,

First of all, thanks for your suggestions. We’ve just launched the new Admin Columns website, with accompanying licensing system, so we expect to have a few hiccups just after the launch.

We’ve checked all of the links on the site and we’ve fixed a few broken links. Furthermore, we’ve fixed quite some broken images which were still referring to the development environment. We’ve added the logout button as well, good point!

As for the decision to only include the ACF Integration Add-on with the Developer license: the other licenses, and even the free version of the plugin, do support Advanced Custom Fields. However, columns have to be configured manually and content is not automatically formatted (and some ACF types aren’t properly formatted at all).

I’m sorry for the delayed response, we’ve not yet grown accustomed to using our own support forums, apparently :-).

With kind regards,

10 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jesper…thanks for the response. I also sent you an email after not getting a response here. I’m guessing you have not seen it as I got no response on the email.

I am still seeing some issues that I addressed in my email:

1. Where is the changelog for the latest update? It does not show up when I click to look at it my wp-admin – only the word changelog and the lightbox spinner just keeps spinning (I let it sit for over 3 minutes)…and do not see any link on the pro upgrade support site for the changelog. (I like to know what the updates are before updating.)

2. Thanks for fixing the login/logout function. Funny though. When I went to log in from the ticket link on the support screen I almost got locked out because it refused my login information 2x. However, when I went to the login in the upper left corner it accepted the same info and logged me in right away.

Please advise on #1. So I know you got part of the update issue fixed because the plugin is now recognizing my license, which it was not yesterday.


10 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jesper – I found another issue. When I tried to do the update from the wp-admin feature it failed…says service found. I’m just wondering if this is the result of having had the free version previously installed? I removed that version when I upgraded to pro.


10 years, 9 months ago

meant “NO services found”. Please…can you make the posts in forums editable for some period like 30 minutes or such?

10 years, 9 months ago

Hi William,

Thanks for your feedback. We’ll be sure to fix the changelog-bug in the next version (for which you won’t see a changelog, of course, because it hasn’t been fixed in the current version). We’ve read your email as well (which is what guided us here in the first place :-)), but I believe we’ve answered all your questions here now!

Regarding your login problems: I haven’t been able to reproduce these, are you sure it wasn’t just a browser-stored password being automatically filled in?

We’ve added an edit link to replies, so you can edit your own replies in the first 10 minutes after posting.

With kind regards,

10 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jesper….

1. I think you missed my comments about the fact that the 3.0 version would not update and that I got a “No Service Available” message when I tried to update.

-I ended up having to delete v3.0 manually and then reinstalling to 3.0.1. This was the only way I could get the update.

2. I still have concerns over the login/logout feature. Yesterday, after completing the downloads I signed out from this support site.

-This morning, when I clicked the link to this post in my email I was already logged in. How can this be?

3. In regards to the automatic password…no, that was not the issue – I reintered the user/password info on the denial screen and it did not work.

-This only happens on the login from the support page at It takes me here after I am refused entry:

-I retested this again today and the issue persists.

-The login from the upper left corner account area works fine.

4. Have you considered a forced logout on your support site after a period of time, like 60 minutes?

10 years, 9 months ago

Hi William,

1. This error should be fixed with version 3.0.2 and an update to our API service.
2+3. I think this is a client-side issue. We haven’t been able to reproduce this across our time. However, we’ll stay on the lookout for other people experiencing this issue.
4. We’ll consider it, thanks, it would probably be a good option to add a “Remember me” checkbox for all login forms!

Thanks again for your great feedback!

With kind regards,

10 years, 9 months ago

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