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Author Search filter being super long

Hi Admin Columns team,

I’m using your plugin on my website and it’s working great. My only problem is the Author search filter. The “Author” is [select].

On my website there is more than 100 000 WP users and basically the search is taking really long. Something like 20 seconds to make results appear. So I looked at the behaviour on the AJAX call, and it’s triggered on every keypress provoking some AJAX calls to cancelled and I think slowing down the search.

Would you have a solution for that ? Maybe a solution could be leaving an option for changing the event to wait 1 second after the admin stopped typing to actually have a single AJAX call.

What are your thoughts on this issue ?

Best regards.

5 years, 5 months ago
Tobias Schutter

It’s either the ajax call that needs a tweak or the user query that might be slow. We’ll have a look and get back to you on this.

5 years, 5 months ago

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