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Author column showing all user roles and not all users


We have just noticed that both the Author columns (default and custom) when used with inline edit are showing a select2 list of users that includes subscribers. It’s also only showing one administrator user in the list, when there are 6 administrators on the install.

Clicking Quick Edit and Edit (the full post) show the correct possible authors.

How do ensure that the inline edit option only shows all possible authors again?

6 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Damien,

When you search for a specific admin in the select2 list, does the specific admin not show up in the drop-down list? Since I cannot reproduce ths issue, I suspect that there is another plugin or maybe some specific code in your theme that is altering the WP_User_Query. The drop-down is doing an Ajax Call running a WP_User_Query. Without any search query, it should return all users unless there are some hooks fired altering the query.

Could you try to disable some other plugins to see if it starts working to ensure it is a plugin conflict? Or could you search for custom hooks in your own code altering the WP_User_Query?

6 years, 9 months ago

Hello Stefan,

Correct only one admin shows in the list and the one being searched for does not. I have disabled all other plugins and it still does the same thing. I don’t see any other hooks modifying queries either.

6 years, 9 months ago

Adding to my last reply, the following appears when I type anything into the Select2 field. I can open and scroll through just fine, but as soon as I type this appears in the chrome console.

select2.min.js:21 Uncaught TypeError: a.toUpperCase is not a function
    at E (select2.min.js:21)
    at Object.formatResult (select2.min.js:22)
    at g (select2.min.js:21)
    at d.populateResults (select2.min.js:21)
    at d.<anonymous> (select2.min.js:22)
    at Object.callback (select2.min.js:21)
    at Object.success (select2.min.js:21)
    at i (load-scripts.php?c=0…lupload&ver=4.9.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (load-scripts.php?c=0…lupload&ver=4.9.4:2)
    at y (load-scripts.php?c=0…lupload&ver=4.9.4:4)
6 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the information. I cannot reproduce the JS error when searching for a user. Since there are more plugins that can use select2 I suspect that the error is caused by a conflict. Can you see in the console from where this error is triggered? When you hover over the error, you should see the source from where it was triggered.

The issue that the initial list already does not contain all users does really sound that there are some other hooks changing the query. If you’re a developer, I could send you some code test so we can pinpoint the problem. Please let’s discuss this issue further by email. Contact me at and I can give you some snippets to try something out.

6 years, 9 months ago

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