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Am I able to install/activate Admin Columns Pro after it expires?

Are we able to install your plugin after it expires using the version that was available at the time that it expired?

We purchased a 4 user license a year ago that is expires tomorrow. We never actually used it on any of our sites so I am hesitant to renew it today.


9 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Yes, you can still install and keep using our plugin, even when your license expires. You just cannot update your plugin anymore.

Please keep in mind that we only offer the most recent version of the plugin on our website so please be sure that your login to our website and download the most recent version of our plugin and addons before your license expires. Using the autoupdate on an already activated plugin is also possible of course.

9 years, 1 month ago

Furthermore, to get a better understanding about the expiration, are we still allowed to add more domains to an account after the expiration date? Our developer edition currently has 9 domains activated and I wanted to know if I could add another domain using my license key after our expiration occurs next week.

9 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We only use the license key to verify if the domain can use auto update. You cannot validate the license on a new domain when the license is expired, but you can still use and activate the plugin on any new domain.

9 years, 1 month ago

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