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Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce

Please, can you help me with “Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce” plugin ( ) ?
We use this plugin to create extra options for variable products. We have a per product custom fields, each one have its one price. I don’t find how to display these fields into admin column and edit them inline…
Best regards

3 years, 6 months ago

I think I found it. But in the “field type” selector there is no select or radio button. Is it possible to enable this type of fields?

3 years, 6 months ago

The plugin support told me the fields are stored in a serialized array. Could it be the problem?

3 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

If the data is indeed stored serialized, then there is no easy way to support our pro feature for that custom field.
For displaying we try to deserialize the data in order make something out of it, but it might be even not the display value you expect. If you want to support serialized data, the only way is to write your own column with editing support. You could have a look at our toolkit to write your own column.

Another option is that you write your own hooks on top of the existing column to change the edit behavior.
You could have a look at the available hooks in the edit sections:

You can use the acp/editing/view_settings hook to change the input to a select box. But you also need this hook acp/editing/save_value to make sure that the data is stored the same way that the other plugin expects it to be.

3 years, 6 months ago

Thank you for the quick answer.
I tried but can’t achieve what I need.
I will finally use Woocommerce variations for this. I can find the start and end dates custom fields create the columns and edit it with admin columns, great! But we need to be able to create new variations from the product variations list. I don’t find this option, do you think it could be possible?

3 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Unfortunately, our plugin does not offer a way to create new variations.
Variations still need to be created from the WC Product view.

3 years, 6 months ago

Damned. I understand why.
But may be an option to duplicate a variation could be easier to add. Then we could modify this variation with the good attributes…
Thank you again

3 years, 6 months ago

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