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Advanced Custom Fields URL Field Not Clickable

When adding an advanced custom field of type URL, the result in the admin columns should be clickable (or we should have the option to make it clickable). It would also be great if we could enter what the link text will be.

Or did I miss a setting?

In the meantime, is there code or a hack around this for displaying URL field types as links?


10 years, 1 month ago
Tobias Schutter

That’s a new field! It looked it up and it has been added by ACF in v5.0.5. We will add support for it in a next release.

10 years ago

Is this now possible?

6 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The URL field is supported for some time now.
But there is not setting to set the link text.
At this moment the URL is always clickable but you can use one of our filters to alter that value to display another link title if you like.

6 years, 2 months ago

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