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Hazel Bird

‘Advanced Custom Fields’ doesn’t appear in ‘Type’

Hi, I’m trying to integrate Admin Columns with ACF. I’m using the documentation here:

I have activated the ACF add-on, created the fields in ACF and added some data via the Edit Post screen. However, ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ doesn’t appear as an option when I go to Admin Columns > Add Column > Type.

Note: I want to display the ACF fields for all of my posts in the main Posts page in WordPress. So I don’t have the ‘Custom Post Type’ mentioned in the documentation. My post type is just ‘Posts’.

How do I get ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ to show up in the ‘Type’ field? Thanks.

2 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Can you make sure that you have installed our ACF integration?
You can install the integration from the Add-on tab on our settings page.
Please also check the plugins page in WordPress to see if the integration is activated and up-to-date.

You should be able to add the ACF column when the integration is available and when you have ACF fields available for the overview where you’re trying to add the columns.

2 years, 6 months ago
Hazel Bird

Thanks, Stefan. I believe the integration is installed. When I go to Admin Columns > Settings > Add-Ons, ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ is in the ‘Active’ section.

I’m running Admin Columns Pro version 5.6.4 and Admin Columns Pro – Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) version 2.8. My Advanced Custom Fields version is 5.12.1.

Admin Columns Pro – Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) has the following error message on the Plugins page:

“This plugin can’t load because this plugin is not compatible with the current version of Admin Columns Pro. Make sure this plugin and Admin Columns Pro are updated to the most recent version.”

But as far as I can tell the ACP and ACP – ACF plugins are both on the latest versions (I have auto updates enabled and neither have an update option).

What else can I try?

2 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Admin Columns is on version 5.7, so I’m not sure why there are no updates listed for your environment.
You could go in the menu at the left to Dashboard -> Updates and click on the ‘Check again’ button.
If that still won’t give you the option to install the 5.7 version, you could download the version manually from your account page and install it through the plugins page in WordPress (add new). I will ask you to overwrite the current version.

2 years, 6 months ago
Hazel Bird

Brilliant – that worked. WordPress must have been confused as I had to tell it to update multiple times in multiple locations.

Appreciate your help.

2 years, 6 months ago

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