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Admin Columns Pro Woocommerce sort function not working

I’ve got Admin Columns Pro, and I’ve activated the Woocommerce add-on. In Admin Columns Pro, the Products page now shows the Categories column as sortable, and I also set the default Sorting Preferences to Categories.
However, on the Products page, the Categories column is still not sortable, and it does not use Categories as the default sort.
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance, John

4 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
I was able to reproduce the issue for a new column set I created.
What I noticed that I did not have the issue on other existing column sets.
Although this is an issue in the working of the default sorting logic, I was able to make it work again for the new column set. Once you sort on any other column and click on the ‘reset sorting’ button, it starts sorting on the default sorting column chosen in the settings page.

I’ve added the issue on our board so we can work on the actual issue

4 years ago

Stefan, thanks for responding.
I was not able to reproduce your workaround. After repeated attempts, the Products page still doesn’t sort on Categories after pressing Reset Sorting and refreshing, the column Categories is still not sortable on the grid, and the Admin Columns Settings page does not remember my sorting preference as ‘Categories’ after saving and refreshing the page – it goes back to ‘Default’.
Thank you

4 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Yesterday, I wanted to work on the issue, but I was not able to reproduce the issue again, while I believed the issue occurred for newly created column sets, but apparently I did not test it well before. Will it be possible to have a look at your environment? Please send any information to

4 years ago

Stefan, the site is .
This issue should be easily reproduceable on any site using Woocommerce and Admin Columns Pro.
Thanks, John

4 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

That’s the thing.
I’m not able to reproduce the issue on a site with just our plugin and WooCommerce installed.
So if you have a staging/test site where I can get admin access, that would be great so I can try some things.

4 years ago

I don’t currently have a staging/test site

4 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

But do you have this issue, even when you create a new column set?
And does this issue only occur on the WC pages? Or also on other post type overviews?

4 years ago

I tried it on a non-WC page – Posts. After refreshing Posts, ‘Categories’ was not sortable, even after making it the sort preference. When I refresh Admin Columns, the sort preference changes back to ‘default’.

When I try to add a new column (Last-modified on Products), it does not add the column to the Products grid. I also tried to set horizontal scrolling on, but that’s not showing either. When I refresh Admin Columns, the new column and the horizontal scrolling preference are not there anymore. This is the problem I asked about a few months ago.

It’s as if WordPress and WooCommerce don’t see the Admin Columns additions or changes at all. And Admin Columns doesn’t save any of the changes I put in there. I can’t understand why.

4 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Ah ok, so the actual save action on our settings page does not seem to work.
I don’t recall the issue you mentioned earlier though.
Do you see a Javascript error on the page when you try to save the settings?

4 years ago

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