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Anne Kraak

Add extra column to “members” in memberpress

I want to add an extra column to the members, but I can only add extra columns to memberships, groups, rules coupons and reminders. How do I do this?

3 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We don’t have support specific support for Memberpress and I don’t have a copy of the plugin to try it out, but what I understand is that you’re not able to manage the columns on the Member list page, is that right? Our plugin works for most Custom Post Type and ‘custom’ taxonomy list pages, but if a plugin uses its own page and table to display items, our plugin probably does not recognize that page. I believe that this is the case for the member list page, which makes it not possible to manage the columns on that page with our plugin unless we write an integration for it. There are no plans to support this plugin at this moment.

3 years, 9 months ago

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