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Add Column unresponsive


For some reason the Add Column button has become unresponsive when using Admin Columns.

It adds a Custom Field, but then the contents remain greyed out, and the waiting icon just goes round and round. If i click Save ‘Taxonomy’ it saves it, but then when i am able to try to edit the ‘blank’ Custom Field that has been added, selecting any dropdown for that field just causes the same unresponsive situation.

Does anyone know what could be causing this please ?

I have tried uploading the latest version of Admin Columns Pro again, and deactivated the plugin and reactivated it but it made no difference.

I have turned off most other plugins and the same problem occurs.

10 years, 5 months ago
Tobias Schutter

It seems like an ajax related issue. I will send you a PM to have a look at your install.

10 years, 4 months ago

Hi Tobias

Apologies for not getting back to you back about this before.

I have the same problem occurring again, so could I pm you to get some help please ? :)

10 years ago

I took your advice from another post and deactivated all other plugins and found that Yoast plugins stop Admin Columns from working properly.

Have you heard of this before ? … is there any workaround ?

10 years ago
Tobias Schutter

I will have a look. No issues so far with the latest version.

What version of WordPress SEO are you using?

10 years ago

Thank you. WordPress 4.1
Google Analytics by Yoast 5.3
Wordpress SEO by Yoast 1.7.1

10 years ago
Tobias Schutter

I tried both Yoast plugins, still no issues. I could not reproduce this problem. Just too make sure it’s not your theme conflicting, could you try switching to a default theme (twentyfourteen)?

10 years ago

Hi Tobias

yes will do and let you know.

Thankyou for looking into it :)

10 years ago

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