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Add a post type switching option or let Post type switcher work

Hi! Great plugin. I need to add a post type switching select in bulk mode but i can’t figure how. I have installed a Post type switcher plugin but you plugin override it and do not let use the custom Bulk edit.

3 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You could create a column set with all the default columns on it. I expect that the logic for the Post type swither needs to have certain columns available. You can create a column with default columns as follows

1) Go to the settings page to manage the columns
2) Click on the ‘Add new’ button to create a new column set.
3) On the new set, click on the ‘Restore columns’ link on the right to load the default columns

Can you try this and see if the post-type switcher works again?
I will investigate if it might be useful to create a post-type column that allows you to switch to another post type.

3 years, 9 months ago

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