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ACP + Gutenberg

Now that Gutenberg is here with us, and destined to stay – are there any plans to enable ACP to display/filter Gutenberg contents?

E.G. right now I have a “event” custom post type where date/time is set in a Gutenberg block made in ACF 5.8 Block. ACP understandably does not see any ACF fields to display, since the fields in question are set to display not on this post type, but on a Block that is only displayed for this post type; additionally the data is not saved to a meta field in the database, but as is the Gutenberg way inside post_content, in a html comment.
<!-- wp:acf/datumzeit {"id":"block_5bec2ea29ab5b","data":{"field_5a96cbffe1aa1":"20190118","field_5b0ec11acc77e":"08:00:00","field_5b180057674a8":"16:00:00"},"name":"acf/datumzeit","mode":"preview"} /-->

Being able to display, sort and filter this in the CPT post list would be brilliant.

6 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Philippe,

Thanks for your feedback. Of course, we knew this question would come to us eventually :)
Unfortunately, I can tell you that both sorting and filtering on Gutenbergblocks will probably never be part of our plugin. A column that can display the available Gutenberg block or even render specific blocks could work, but we still have to look at the possibilities. It is certainly something we want to have a look at, but at this moment we’re working on a great new feature for Admin Columns Pro, Bulk Editing.

Besides that, we believe that our plugin really shines with its features when you work with data that is stored in the metadata table. As soon as we have a column that can handle Gutenberg blocks, we’ll make sure we write about it on our blog.

6 years, 1 month ago

Hi Stefan
thanks for the feedback – which is like I feared, but also sort of knew was coming.
My hope now is that not everyone will fully embrace the Gutenberg way of just stuffing everything and the kitchen sink into html comments inside post_content, and that some will remain somewhat lucid and still use Metadata, at least where it’s appropriate.
I’m not giving up hope: Modern Tribe’s Event calendar now has Gutenberg blocks, but still saves an events metadata to post_meta, where they’re supposed to be, and I’m sure ACFs Elliot Condon also will eventually add saving to meta back to ACF Blocks.

6 years, 1 month ago

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