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I have a custom field radio button in edit user and would like this to be editable on the user list as a dropdown. I have used the following code.

 * Change inline eit for a specific custom field to a prefilled drop down
 * @param $data   array
 * @param $column AC_Column
 * @return mixed
function my_acp_custom_field_editing_selectbox( $data, $column ) {

	if ( $column instanceof ACP_Column_CustomField ) {

		if ( 'fees-paid' === $column->get_meta_key() ) {
			$data['type'] = 'select';
			$data['options'] = array(
				'yes'  => 'Yes',
				'no' => 'No',


	return $data;

add_filter( 'acp/editing/view_settings', 'my_acp_custom_field_editing_selectbox', 10, 2 );

This is working fine on my test site but on the live site which has the latest version of your plugin it’s not working.
In the edit columns settings I have chosen the field as excerpt and inline editing as text.

6 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

In our latest version, we introduced namespaces in our code, which need some changes in your hook.
You can use the following code in your theme/plugin to make it work with the latest version of Admin Columns.

 * Change inline eit for a specific custom field to a prefilled drop down
 * @param $data array
 * @param $column AC\Column
 * @return mixed
function my_acp_custom_field_editing_selectbox( $data, $column ) {

	if ( $column instanceof ACP\Column\CustomField ) {

		if ( 'fees-paid' === $column->get_meta_key() ) {
			$data['type'] = 'select';
			$data['options'] = array(
				'yes' => 'Yes',
				'no' => 'No',



	return $data;
6 years, 7 months ago

Thank you. Working fine.

6 years, 7 months ago

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