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ACF Post Obj Filter not working

Does filtering work on post objects. I added a post object and enabled filtering. WHen I click on a name in the new column, it takes me to the edit screen for that post. I would expect that to filter by that name, like categories and tags work. Also, when I choose a post name in the filter menu, it shows no results. There is also a choice for both “empty” and “not empty”. These both yield no results.

WordPress 4.2.2
ACF 5.2.6
Admin Columns Pro 3.5
Admin Columns – ACF add-on 1.3


9 years, 8 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Steve,

ACF Post Objects (plural) can not be filtered because they are stored serialized which is not supported by filtering. The Post Object (single) can be filtered, because they are stored as individual integers.

Clicking on a single Post Title can be made filterable, I have added this to our roadmap for the 3.6 release.

What type of column is the “post name”? (ACF or native) And what are it’s column settings? With this bit of info I’ll try to reproduce the issue.


9 years, 8 months ago

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