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ACF Multiselect Filters Not Showing

Hi guys,

I’ve had a look through these forums and through the support docs and can’t seem to find anything, but maybe I’ve missed something.

I’m trying to set up the “filtering” dropdown for an ACF multiselect field.

I am able to show the multiselect values in a custom column, and one or more values are showing per post depending on what is selected inside the post (expected behaviour). I’ve double checked that I’ve got the column set to “Enable Filtering: Yes” in the Admin Columns edit screen.

But the Filter dropdown for this column won’t appear.

It does work for other ACF fields I’ve tested, just not this multiselect.

Is there something special I need to do here?



10 years, 5 months ago

Is there any answer to this ? … Do any admins read this forum ?

10 years, 5 months ago

Thanks for bumping this Jon! I had forgotten about it as I hadn’t heard anything back from the admins. Any answers here guys?

10 years, 5 months ago

Hi all!

Improving the filtering in Admin Columns Pro is a long-term project, as it’s a quite complex feature of which all options and possibilities should be considered well. WordPress offers few ways of querying posts in an optimized way, and offering multiselect search is something that could be quite stressful on the server.

I don’t think multiselect filtering is to be expected in next few major releases, but we’ll keep you informed!


10 years, 5 months ago

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