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Morgan Payne

ACF Fields don’t work with Post Template Rules

On a number of sites I use admincolumns on I’ve been having trouble getting ACF to show up when setting up coloumns.

After a lengthy amount of time I’ve come to the conclusion it has something to do with the fact we have our ACF to show for certain post templates.

If I remove these rules then all the ACF show up when I’m setting up coloumns, but as soon as i add them back, they disappear.

This is what it looks like when I have the post template rules on..

and this is what it looks like when I remove the post template rules in ACF..

As you can see a lot more fields show up.

This has been an ongoing issue for many months and I’ve finally worked out that it has to do with the post template. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

2 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The post template location rule does not say anything global about the post type where it should show.
Maybe that is exactly what you want, but you could alter the location rule and specifically set a rule to show it on one or more post types, so that our plugin knows that the fields are available for a specific post type overview.

Another solution is to use our hooks to make the fields available for a specific post type or for all post types. The snippet in your case should look like this.

add_action( 'acp/acf/before_get_field_options', function ( AC\ListScreen $list_screen ) {
	if( $list_screen instanceof AC\ListScreen\Post){
		add_filter( 'acf/location/rule_match/post_template', '__return_true', 16 );
} );

add_action( 'acp/acf/after_get_field_options', function ( AC\ListScreen $list_screen ) {
	if( $list_screen instanceof AC\ListScreen\Post){
		remove_filter( 'acf/location/rule_match/post_template', '__return_true', 16 );
} );
2 years ago
Morgan Payne

Appreciate your help, tried the second solution and it works well.

1 year, 12 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m glad the solution works.
I’ll mark this topic as closed.

1 year, 12 months ago

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