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ACF Exports not keeping data format

I am exporting a list of Woocommerce products with a bunch of custom fields added. I’m using the ACF add on to display some of these fields.

I have a date field that I have set as formatted to show the Day (i.e. Monday vs 5/2/2019). when I export to CSV I’m losing the formatting and I’m getting the raw date. Is this the intended default behavior, or a bug?

3 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi John,

Yes, it is intended behavior, but that does not mean it is the correct implementation.
When building the Export feature, we noticed that some of the column values we have are simply not useful for usage in spreadsheet software. So we tried our best to determine for each column what value type/formatting would be useful to be used in spreadsheet software. For custom field date types, we decided not to take the formatted date but the raw data ( Y-m-d ). Just to be sure, do you get that format or do you have the ACF Ymd format (without the dashes)?
In that last case, I can imagine that an ISO format is the way to go.

The following hook can be used to format the date yourself. The first example explains how you can change the value to another date type. Although that example is not specifically for the ACF field column.

3 years, 10 months ago

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