ACF Date Column Displays incorrectly
I have a POD called gigs, it contains a date field gig_date. I checked in the database and it is stored as 2015-03-24.
When I add it to Admin Columns I select post type Gigs, then add columns including Gig Date.
Gig Date is
Type – Custom Field
Label – Gig Date
Width – Auto
Custom Field – gig_date
Field Type – Default (Have tried date with format d/m/Y) Australian Format
The Gig Date Column displays any dates where the the day is 12 or less in the format m/d/Y
ie the 9th of May 2015 shows as 05/09/2015
Any date that the day is greater than 12 it diplays as the current date in the correct format
ie today is the 22, April 2015. An entry with a gig date of 23, May 2015 shows in the list as 22/04/2015. If I click on inline edit and edit the filed it shows as 23/05/2015 (the correct date and format)
My list now contains lots of entries for 22/04/2015 and tomorrow will all change to 23/04/2015.
Please help.
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