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ACF Date Column Displays incorrectly

I have a POD called gigs, it contains a date field gig_date. I checked in the database and it is stored as 2015-03-24.

When I add it to Admin Columns I select post type Gigs, then add columns including Gig Date.

Gig Date is
Type – Custom Field
Label – Gig Date
Width – Auto
Custom Field – gig_date
Field Type – Default (Have tried date with format d/m/Y) Australian Format

The Gig Date Column displays any dates where the the day is 12 or less in the format m/d/Y

ie the 9th of May 2015 shows as 05/09/2015

Any date that the day is greater than 12 it diplays as the current date in the correct format

ie today is the 22, April 2015. An entry with a gig date of 23, May 2015 shows in the list as 22/04/2015. If I click on inline edit and edit the filed it shows as 23/05/2015 (the correct date and format)

My list now contains lots of entries for 22/04/2015 and tomorrow will all change to 23/04/2015.

Please help.

9 years, 7 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi John,

The editable Custom Field column will store all dates as YYYYMMDD. You can change this save format by using one of our filters cac-inline-edit-ajax-column-save-value. The documentation contains a full working example aswell.

We are still working on full integration add-on for Pods, that will allow us to hook into their API and store the custom field in their correct format.


9 years, 7 months ago

Not happy, spent $79 on the promise that:

Use Pods to easily create content types and fields. Working together with the Pods team, we have made sure Admin Columns and Pods are compatible.

Maybe should read:

Use Pods to easily create content types and fields. Working together with the Pods team, we may in the future make sure Admin Columns and Pods are compatible. However at the moment dates don’t work properly.

9 years, 7 months ago

Update, thanks Tobias. This problem is being worked on by the wonderful staff at admin columns pro.

9 years, 7 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Closing topic, duplicate issue.

9 years, 7 months ago

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