Example of a customized Real Estate list table

Whether you are managing a simple blog or a complicated real-estate website – Admin Columns Pro helps you manage it a lot better.

In this example, we will show you how the WordPress list table (of a real estate website) can become an invaluable tool for managing your content.

Customized Real Estate WordPress List Table managed by Admin Columns Pro

Real Estate WordPress List Table managed by Admin Columns Pro

Note No matter what type of site you are managing – be it real estate, cars, products, or events – Admin Columns Pro can help you manage it a lot better. It will work with any post type or custom field.

Customize the list table

Display only information that is useful for you by adding relevant columns such as Nearby Homes, Price, Rooms, and Status to the list table. You can add any house property as long as it is stored in a post or custom field. You can create a perfect overview of all your data that will help you make better decisions and see what is missing or needs to be updated.

Available columns

Any field – that is either a custom field or a native post (type) field – can be added to the WordPress list table as a column. Available column types: Actions, Allow Comments, Ancestors, Attachments, Author, Categories, Child Pages, Comment Count, Comments, Content, Date, Date Published, Depth, Estimated Reading Time, Excerpt, Featured Image, ID, Images, Last Modified, Last Modified Author, Latest Comment, Link Count, Menu, More Tag, Order, Page Template, Parent, Path, Permalink, Ping Status, Post Format, Revisions, Shortcodes, Slug, Status, Sticky, Tags, Taxonomy, Title, Title Only, Word Count, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Field, Pods, Toolset Types, and WooCommerce

You can add columns for any custom field. We support most (meta) data types: text, number, image, URL, file, post, user, arrays ,select, true/false. There are also add-ons available for Advanced Custom Fields, Pods and Toolset Types.

Filter Real Estate Property

When you manage many real estate properties, it can become hard to find the ones you are looking for. Our Smart Filters will help you to easily find properties based on any type of data such as price, status, or the number of rooms. Filters are stackable and you can add as many as you like and they fully support custom field data.

Customized Real Estate list table for WordPress

Filter Real Estate properties that are for sale with a price range between 70k and 300k.

Quick Edit Real Estate properties

You do not need to open each property one at the time to make a change. By using “Inline Edit” you can update your properties directly from the WordPress list table!

Note Any property created with Custom Fields can use Inline Edit.

Bulk Edit Real Estate Properties

Bulk editing properties can be a big time saver. For example, when multiple houses are “Sold”, you can now easily update there status all at once.

Export real-estate properties

Admin Columns Pro can export all your real estate properties into a CSV file. This can come in handy when you want to analyze your properties or make a worksheet for yourself or your employees.

It is really easy: just click the “Export” button. And optionally, you can first filter the properties you want to export and have only the data you need.


When you are managing a “Real Estate” website with lots of properties, you need an easy way to manage them all. Admin Columns Pro will save you countless hours by helping you to:

  • Display relevant property information on the list table
  • Filter and find any real estate property from within the admin
  • Making quick changes without opening each property one at the time
  • Bulk editing all real estate properties at once
  • Export real estate properties to CSV


We can imagine you have a few questions.

  1. Does it work on any real estate website/theme?
    The website has to be made in WordPress and using a post type (for its property) and custom fields for storing data. Most WordPress Real Estate themes will be built this way. If you are not sure about your theme, feel free to contact us.

  2. Does it work on a real estate website build with Advanced Custom Fields?
    Yes, with Admin Columns Pro you can add any ACF field to the WordPress list table.

  3. Does it work on any WordPress post type?
    Yes, any post type that is registered with WordPress can be managed by Admin Columns Pro.

  4. Can you make a “Real Estate” website with Admin Columns Pro?
    No, Admin Columns Pro will only work in the admin (backend). You will need to create your own theme (frontend). Once you have created a Real Estate ‘post type’ and added ‘custom fields’, a list table will be added to WordPress. At this point, you can start using all the cool features of Admin Columns Pro to help you manage it.

  5. Does it work with the Pods or Toolset Types plugin?
    Yes, they are fully supported. We have made integrations for both the Pods and Toolset Types plugins.