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Martina Sinclair

Restrict WooCommerce Order List Specific Users with Filters

I’d like to restrict orders to specific users. I was going to do this by creating a Column Set with a filter for a product category. I have a ‘product category’ for each individual user that has a product for sale, so that sales of specific products can be identified to a particular sales rep.

So I would like to allow Sales Reps to log in to the WordPress Admin Area with restricted user access to view the WooCommerce Orders but using a filter so they can only see their own Orders and not everyone elses. And not to be able to clear the filter and view all orders for confidentiality reasons.

Is this possible using the Column Sets and assign a column set to a Specific User with a filter applied that cannot be changed?

1 year, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

It is not possible to create a view where filters are applied and cannot be removed (cleared) by the user. It is good to know that you can hide items from showing with our filters, but not actually ‘restrict’ items. If you really want to prevent users to view/accessing items that are not theirs, you probably should work with specific access permissions/capabilities. I will add your request to our backlog to see if we can find a way to really force filters on views.

1 year, 6 months ago

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